Monday, December 20, 2010

Miracles ~

What is a miracle, you ask?
Isn’t it just the blind seeing, the lame walking and the sick healed? 
Isn’t it just Jesus conceived in Mary’s womb, or John in Elizabeth’s? 

Has God said that your time on earth is done? 
Has He called you to Himself? 
Are you His child? 
You are a living miracle. 

Have you over come temptations? 
Have you faced the enemy knowing God has a plan for you? 
Have you trusted God with your life? 
You are a living miracle. 

It isn’t just the blind seeing, the lame walking and the sick healed
It isn’t just Jesus conceived in Mary’s womb or John in Elizabeth’s.
It isn’t just Jesus rising from the dead on the third day. 
You are a miracle. 

You are walking on this earth. 
You are alive and well.
You are living in Jesus. 
You are a miracle. 

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