Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Greatest Gift ~

Presents under the tree
Snowflakes drifting to the ground
The tree decked with lights and ornaments
Family gathered ‘round the piano singing carols.

Memories being created
Traditions being kept
Love being shared
Peace being brought

A time when laughter and love fill the air.
A time when hatred and fighting is put aside.
A time when the separated are united.
A time when love was born on earth. 

Christmas time; the birth of our Lord
God sent His Son in the form of a babe.
He used a lowly virgin to bring His Son to earth.
What a wonderful gift. 

This is a time of toys, chocolates, sweets, and memories.
But let us not forget the greatest gift of them all. 
The gift that will never break, or become old. 
The gift that will always stay new and fresh. 

This is a time to forget all your sorrows 
A time to forget what has happened and to welcome a baby into our world.
A time to be thankful for all the presents you get under the tree.
A time to spend with family and friends. 

The new year is right ‘round the corner, 
Soon, this time will be forgotten
The presents become things on a shelf.
Let us not put our Lord on the shelf after the new year. 

Let us cherish the gift that was so willing to die for us. 
Let us cherish the gift of love that was sent down that night.
Let us cherish the gift of peace that was bestowed on the earth.
Let us never forget what price was paid for the greatest gift. 

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope ya'll had a wonderful day!


  1. Love your gentle and thought provoking. Sounds like you were thinking out loud. :)

    My favo parts..
    "let us not put our Lord on the shelf"

    "never forget what price was paid for the greatest gift"

    When are you going to update the Historical Balls blog? :)

  2. Thank you. :)

    We actually are working on a website instead of using a blog. It should be done fairly soon and I will post something about it when it is. :)

  3. Lovely! Looking forward to visiting it. Btw, love the new layout of your blog!
